Use Book1One’s sizing diagrams to correctly size your cover to fit your book.
If you are creating a hardcover or softcover book, it is critical that the size of your cover (and dust jacket if you are creating one) correctly fit your book.
Book1One has developed interactive diagrams to help you size your cover. To download the diagram you need to click on the link below that applies to your book project.
Once you have downloaded the diagram, you will be asked to input your page trim size (width and height of your pages), your page count and the paper stock you plan to use. Please note that page counts are based on 2-sided print. If you are using 1-sided print, you should double your page count amount.
Once you have inputted your project data, move the cursor to any white space on the page and click. The diagram will recalculate and show the correct measurements for your cover or dust jacket. You should then print out the diagram and use as a measurement guide for your cover or dust jacket design.
If you are unable to properly size your cover according to the diagrams, we can still print your book. Simply provide your front cover, back cover, and spine as three individual pages in your PDF and select the Cover Assembly service during the ordering process. For $55 for softcover and $75 for hardcover, we'll assemble your cover pieces into a properly sized, print-ready cover PDF.